What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 768 - The Disciples Are Really Cute...

How did we even forget this simple problem?!

We have been so used to Beiyang\'s people knowing about Master that we forgot that not everyone in this world knows about Master\'s Divinity yet!

We\'ve grown complacent after converting a country that we forgot about the rest of the world!

"This is embarrassing…" Eris muttered, hiding her face with her hands.

Kiyomi nodded, "I can\'t believe we would fall prey to such hubris even after Master has taught us not to… If Master found out, He would be so disappointed…"

Brendan sighed, "Thankfully Master reminded us before we got there, otherwise it would look even worse for us. We should have realised this problem when all the trash around here kept being so rude…"

I gritted my teeth in frustration, "We have to fix this somehow… Are we able to send more people here to convert the populace before we reach their capital?"

Manami shook her head with a grave expression, "Pretty much everyone is occupied with building Master\'s city… Even if we were to pull them away and only convert the capital city itself… We won\'t be able to reach the king before Master does…"

I bit my thumb, "What if… What if we delay Master a little?"

Tsuki tilted her head, "How? Aniue wants to get this done and over with as soon as possible. How are you going to convince Aniue to slow down?"

Diao Chan raised her hand, "I can make an aphrodisiac Spell that will make us all horny! Then we\'ll spend a day or two having all-day orgies with Master!"

Elaria raised an eyebrow, "Doesn\'t exactly help when the carriage is big enough for said orgy to take place in. Besides, Onii-sama would investigate the cause and find out about the Spell."

"What if… We used the group of new converts from yesterday? Maybe have them do something to stop us?" Elaria suggested.

Brendan rejected the idea immediately, "Master has already seen them and He would question why they would do this after what happened yesterday. There\'s no way they will be able to lie to Master."

Eris looked up, "This one humbly thinks we should not waylay Master… Perhaps it would be better if we figure out how to get this king to cooperate instead."

"But how?" I asked, feeling quite frustrated. "What can we do to convince a stuck up bastard like him if Master\'s presence is not a good enough reason already?"

All of us looked at each other and no solution popped up.

I sighed, "Let\'s discuss this with Master then, it would be unbecoming of us to keep Master waiting."

The rest of them agreed and we slowly did the walk of shame back to where Master was waiting for us. Cai Hong seemed to have already fallen asleep so Master had tucked her in on one of the couches nearby.

Master showed us His usual smile which just made our guilt even bigger.

"Is everyone alright now?" Master asked.

I bowed my head and the rest followed suit, "Please accept our apologies, Master… We had not considered that fact… We had assumed the king would already know of Master\'s status and did not prepare for the event that he did not. We will accept any punishment!"

"Eh? Eh? Err… Could all of you raise your heads first?"

"Please allow us to be punished, Master!" I repeated, keeping my head bowed.

"Well this is a bit troubling. I\'d like to say something first, are you all going to refuse to look at me while I speak to you?"

We gasped and quickly raised our heads, looking straight at Master\'s gentle, smiling face that was devoid of any blame.

Master chuckled, "In the first place, this was my responsibility, you know? All of you are supposed to serve as my bodyguards while we are in the capital so there wasn\'t any need for any of you to prepare anything from the start. That\'s why there\'s no need to blame yourselves over it, silly disciples of mine."

"But… But for us to not have considered this… We would be a failure of a student…" Eris pointed out.

Master shook His head, "Then what about me? I also failed to consider it until now, doesn\'t that make it worse for me since I am your Master?"

"NO!" All of us blurted out at the same time.

"Ahahaha, see? That\'s why there\'s nothing to apologise about. Isn\'t this why I brought all of you here to talk about it in the first place?"

I poked my fingers together, "But… Even then… If we hadn\'t been this overconfident, we would have at least considered it like how Master had taught us… The fact that we had forgotten this despite Master teaching us… Wouldn\'t… Wouldn\'t Master abandon us for our negligence?"

Master reached forward and patted my head, "Oh my dear. Isn\'t this all part of the learning process? I never said all of you must be perfect, it\'s fine for all of you to make mistakes. As long as all of you are willing to learn I am willing to teach you as many times as it takes for you to learn. I would be a terrible Master if I were to give up on teaching any of you after a simple mistake."

I felt tears gather at the edges of my eyes, what did we do to deserve a Master like this?

In any Sect, if the student was shown to be a burden or even make any mistake that sullies their master\'s reputation, their teachers would just simply drop them and pick up the next most promising one. It would stain their name if the students were failures after all and no Practitioner would want that.

This is even more crucial for Master who is literally the highest being in existence to everyone. If we were to fail, it would reflect badly on Master\'s image as well but yet… But yet Master had just basically told us He did not care if His reputation was sullied because of us.

I was going to rush forward to hug Master when I heard the sound of something being thrown onto the floor.

Master gasped and His eyes widened, "What… What are you girls doing?"

I turned back to see Manami, Kiyomi and Diao Chan standing there stark naked with hearts in their eyes.

"We\'re sorry Master…" Kiyomi apologised sincerely. "But your words… It lit a fire inside us and we\'re not going to be able to hold ourselves back now… Please put out this raging flame inside us…"

The three of them leapt at Master, burying Him in a pile of naked flesh and kissing Him fervently.

Seeing such a sight, the rest of the girls also started to tear their own clothes off, their carnal instincts taking over.

Oh what the heck, I\'m joining in too! Take me Master!!

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