The Spider Queen

Chapter 558: The Purchase Is Made

Chapter 558: The Purchase Is Made

(N’rean City- Residential District)

(Frankie’s Emporium Of Strange Oddities)

“Of course, there will be some side-effects,” the alien shopkeeper explained as extended a tendril outward from his gelatinous body.

“But I can guarantee that it will save your loved one’s life no matter the circumstance or whatever threat that she encounters…”

Sophie furrowed her brows as she continued to read the words on the small white card that the shopkeeper had given her.

Apparently, what was inside the box was a small crystal necklace filled with an incredibly rare substance mined from a planet in the Unovan Syndicate.

All one would have to do to activate the item would be to crush the crystal and the bluish-liquid inside would immediately cover their body.

This blue liquid would form a natural barrier capable of withstanding a single blow from a god stage cultivator.

If this was true, then this necklace was well worth the price and in fact it could even be sold for a bit higher depending on the buyer.

“How many of these have you sold before?” Sophie asked curiously as she gently tapped the box using her fingers.

“Zero. In this store every item is unique and will not be sold again…” the alien mysteriously whispered as his body swayed from side to side.

“We always have the product that the customer needs… for a certain price. Some pay in credits while others pay… in a different way.”

Sophie raised an eyebrow at the alien’s ominous words. Fortunately, she had the money to pay otherwise who knows what this strange shopkeeper would demand as payment.

The blob-like alien reached under the table and pulled out a simple card reader. He placed in on the table and pushed it towards Sophie.

The hybrid girl glanced at the wooden box in her hand and made a decision in her heart. This purchase would exhaust her savings, but it was worth it.

Being a cultivator meant that one would be exposed to dangerous situations, and it was unfair to lock away in Cleo in a cage in order to keep her safe.

Sophie wanted her girlfriend to spread her wings and fly.

She let out a heavy sigh and reached into her storage bag to pull out a plain black card with gold engravings on the side.

Sophie swiped the card against the reader and then pressed her left thumb against the top of the card.

A small beam of green light shot out from the scanner built inside the card that verified Sophie’s biological readings.

Within a few seconds the purchase was made, and Sophie had spent more money than most in the Federation would ever see in their lifetime.

“Thank you for your purchase… please leave the building,” the shopkeeper politely spoke as he gestured using his tendril for Sophie to exit the room.

The hybrid girl was a bit surprised to be kicked out so soon, but she thanked the alien and then left.

Sophie opened the metalloid door and found herself back in the long corridor that led to the exit of the building.

She placed the wooden box containing the necklace inside of her storage bag and then headed outside.

It was bright and sunny day with not a single cloud in the sky.

This part of N’rean City was very quiet, and Sophie only encountered a few joggers as she walked absentmindedly in the direction of the hotel.

Her goal of buying a life saving card for Cleo had been accomplished but honestly Sophie would be fine if her girlfriend never needed to use it.

But somehow, she got the feeling that was just wishful thinking on her part.

Should she buy something for herself? Sophie contemplated for a moment and then checked the remaining balance in her account.

Well… looks like she would not be going shopping anytime soon.

There was a grand total of three thousand Enas in her account which was enough to pay for around six months of minimal expenses.

Sophie felt the strain of an empty wallet for the first time. She could always ask for money from her father, but she decided not to.

It would be better to earn the money through bounty hunting missions. There was a greater feeling of accomplishment when spending money that you earned.

Sophie lazily walked towards the hotel and encountered a peculiar sight along the way.

There were two lean and skinny men leaning against the wall with their backs turned to the street.

No one seemed too concerned about their strange behaviour as most pedestrians just walked past them.

The man on the left began to tremble violently and Sophie saw the glint of a needle hidden in his palm.

Without hesitation the man stabbed himself in the knee and a thick viscous liquid entered his body.

He moaned loudly in pleasure and then collapsed on the ground. His companion knelt down and began to shake him violently to no avail.

“Help! Someone please help!” his companion screamed loudly as the man on the ground started to twitch uncontrollably.

Most people averted their eyes and tried to avoid making eye contact with the man pleading for assistance.

Sophie powered on her wrist communicator and notified the local authorities about the incident.

She reached into her storage bag and took out a small healing serum which she then tossed at the unconscious man’s companion.

“That’s a healing serum… pour it down his throat,” Sophie yelled as the man caught the vial that she had thrown.

A suspicious look flashed across the man’s face as he looked at Sophie’s hybrid appearance and it was obvious that he did not trust her words.

Sophie shrugged slightly and then continued on her journey back to the hotel room without looking back to see what choice the man made.

She had done all she could in the situation.

It was up to the authorities to arrive and deal with the drug overdose or perhaps the man would actually use her healing serum.

Still, it was a surprise to see drug usage in a major tourist city on planet Gaia. Usually, drugs flowed through the poorer districts or the slums.

It was not that the drug trade was impossible to regulate on the contrary it was incredibly easy with the use of AI and surveillance drones.

The issue was that certain local city councils allegedly took a cut from the profits in that dark industry.

Sophie remembered her dad making an off-hand comment about it when they had passed a man throwing up in a garbage can a few years ago.

Power corrupts which is why Duke Peterlor explained to his daughter there needed to be strong regulations and laws in her future territories.

Sophie hummed softly as she approached the hotel room and nodded at the two ladies by the front desk.

She decided to get some exercise, so she walked up the stairs to the seventh floor which only took around five minutes.

The hybrid girl placed her hand on a scanner and a green light shone on her palm.

The door in front of her swung open to reveal Cleo still sleeping peacefully covered in a thick fuzzy blanket

A gentle smile surfaced on Sophie’s face as she watched her sleeping girlfriend.

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