I Returned as a High School Girl

Chapter 76: I Returned As A University Girl (2)

Chapter 76: I Returned As A University Girl (2)

It was Kang Ra-Eun’s first time working with Program Director Hwang Yun-Seong, but she had worked with the writer before. The screenwriter of the drama Waitress, Yeo Yu-Min, had arrived ten minutes late to the meeting due to personal reasons.

“Hello, Ra-Eun. It’s been a while.”

Ra-Eun had already worked with Yu-Min during the production of Reaper. Several other writers other than the main screenwriter Hwang Yo-Rin had been in the Reaper?production team, and Yu-Min was one of them. Her job had been to support Yo-Rin by adding to lacking settings, checking synopses or providing feedback, and had met with Ra-Eun several times in the process.

Ra-Eun was well-acquainted with Yu-Min because she was the one who Yo-Rin relied on the most, to the point that they actively communicated with each other whenever the script needed editing. Ra-Eun knew Yu-Min’s tendencies and preferences very well exactly because of this. To put it bluntly, she was similar to Yo-Rin.

“I ran late because I was too busy choosing the uniform that Ra-Eun would wear. I’m sorry,” Yu-Min expressed.

In other words, Yu-Min also had the desire to put as many pretty outfits on Ra-Eun as possible. Ra-Eun was not surprised because it was something that she had already known. It was easier to just give up. Taking inspiration from a certain comic’s famous line, she had already half-given up.

However, Waitress?was at least better than Reaper?because she only had to periodically switch between the few uniforms that the female lead wore. Like the title suggested, the drama Waitress?was a pleasant love story focused around a young female protagonist who worked at a cafe. Ra-Eun was not all that into romance stories, but she had no choice but to choose Director Hwang\'s work because it was the only one that was guaranteed to blow up for sure in this season. If the conditions of each choice were the same, one should always choose the more attractive one.

‘It’s better to star in a hit than a flop.’

It was the obvious choice to make. Meanwhile, Yu-Min excitedly showed Ra-Eun the dozens of uniform designs that she had printed out in advance.

“We have frill skirts from Type A to Type D. As for the top, we have one that looks like a corset, or if that doesn’t suit your fancy, we also have designs straight out of the Middle Ages. This is also cute, isn’t it? Which one do you like most, Ra-Eun?”

Ra-Eun’s answer was obvious.

“The one that I can wear comfortably for long periods of time, please.”

Ra-Eun couldn’t care less about the design. All that she cared about was practicality and comfort. She had no interest in fashion back when she was a man either. Of course, she took slightly more attention to her looks now compared to back then, but old habits die hard.

Since they were already in a meeting, the production team decided to listen to Ra-Eun’s needs along with the outfit selection. There was only one thing that Ra-Eun wanted from them.

“I’m a university student, so I’d appreciate it if you could cater as best to my course timetable as possible.”

Director Hwang and Yu-Min understood Ra-Eun very well.

“Okay. We’ll try to cater to your schedule as much as we can. You don’t have to worry about anything.”

“Thank you, director.”

“No, I should be the one thanking you.”

Director Hwang was already more than grateful for Ra-Eun\'s willingness to star in his drama. Ra-Eun’s reputation had changed completely from her debut. She could enjoy such luxuries as long as she effectively used her knowledge of the future.


Ra-Eun’s university life had finally begun. There was something that she needed to do right from the first day for the next week.

Knock, knock.

Ra-Eun visited a professor of one of the first semester classes of her major. She carefully opened the door and entered the office after getting the professor’s permission to come in. The professor was startled as soon as he saw Ra-Eun.

“I’d heard from my assistant that a famous celebrity had entered our department, but it’s still quite surprising to see you in person.”

One could commonly see celebrities if they walked around the Seoul National University campus, but they were mostly in departments related to broadcasting and TV. It was not easy to see someone as famous as Ra-Eun in a humanities department building. Hence, the professor was looking at Ra-Eun in amazement.

Ra-Eun smiled as radiantly as she could to ask for the professor’s understanding.

“I have some drama shoots scheduled, so I don’t think I’ll be able to attend your classes very often...”

“Oh, are you asking me to allow you to write a report instead of keeping track of your attendance?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

She was planning on attending classes whenever she could, but it was impossible to attend every single one, no matter how well the production team catered to her schedule.

‘Not only that, but it’s better to just write a report whenever it’s a hassle to go to the lecture hall.’

Ra-Eun only wanted one thing from university, and it was to graduate. She did not have to pursue higher education like a graduate school. The only reason why she studied so hard in high school was to make connections in SNU, so there was no reason to devote herself to her studies anymore. Hence, she was planning on meeting things halfway as a university student. But of course, that did not mean she was going to neglect her grades, since she needed to maintain a certain GPA to graduate.

The professor decided to be considerate of Ra-Eun’s circumstances, since the reputation of the department would also rise with Ra-Eun’s achievements in the TV industry. They were able to reach an understanding much easier than she had expected thanks to their coinciding interests.


Ra-Eun had successfully conquered every single one of her professors and had come to an acceptable compromise with them.

‘All I have to do now is to go home and sleep.’

She had gotten a load off her chest. She could hear freshman welcoming parties being held throughout the campus as she walked toward her parked car.

“Chug, chug, chug~!”

“How long are ya gonna make me shoulder dance~ Look at my shoulders~ They’re dislocated~”

And of course, alcohol was included. Ra-Eun almost hurled as soon as she saw the alcohol. Her body’s rejection to alcohol had been going on for quite some time. She had drunk like crazy on her first time drinking because she didn’t want to acknowledge that she was a lightweight, but...

‘I just shouldn’t drink from now on.’

It was because she didn’t want to blurt out private matters such as her old family circumstances like she had done to Seo Yi-Seo. Yi-Seo had brushed the matter off as meaningless gibberish because Ra-Eun had been so drunk, but she was bound to get suspicious if such events repeated. Ra-Eun decided to just acknowledge her abysmally low alcohol tolerance since she did not want to get suspected.

‘Alcohol is off-limits for the time being.’

She had thought that she could live freely once she became a university student, but a life of abstinence had begun instead.


Ra-Eun returned home and read intensively through the Waitress?script while looking down at the nightscape from the living room. Her phone rang at around 11 PM. She would usually scowl if someone had called her so late at night, but couldn’t bring herself to once she saw who it was.

[Choi Sang-Woon]

He was Ra-Eun’s high school classmate, as well as... a friend who would be starting his military service tomorrow.


- Hey, Ra-Eun. I’m sorry to call you so late at night.

“It’s fine.”

It was very rowdy around Sang-Woon. Ra-Eun guessed that he was having one last drink with his friends before the big day.

“Are you drinking with friends?”

- Yeah. I was planning on spending my last day at home with my family, but Yeong-Gyo and the others called me out, saying they couldn’t just let me leave like this. But these guys all got drunk before me.

The situation didn’t sound too good. In the end, Sang-Woon had to clean up the mess that his friends had made and was on his way home.

“You go tomorrow, right?”

- Yeah. My older cousin said to make sure that I buy a gun and a gas mask, was it...? Anyway, he told me to buy those before I went in.”

Ra-Eun giggled.

“They don’t sell those anywhere. He was just screwing with you, so forget what he said.”

- R-Really? No wonder he was laughing so much.

It was a joke that those who had completed their service often made to those who were about to begin theirs. Ra-Eun decided to tell him some practical information instead.

“Make sure you buy a digital watch before you go in. And never eat at any of the stores around Nonsan Training Center. Always go down to the expressway service area and buy something there. You’ll regret it much less.”

It was a discharged soldier’s heartfelt advice.

- How do you know stuff like this?

“Me? You know, my freeloader... I mean, my oppa’s been back from the army. He told me a bunch of things.”

- Oh, right. I completely forgot.

Using Kang Ra-Hyuk as an excuse was perfect in such situations. Ra-Eun also told Sang-Woon some things that would be of help to him during his service.

“I’ll also write you some online letters.”

- You can send stuff like that?

“Yeah. Times have improved.”

Ra-Eun used to be the most envious of people in her squad who received online letters. She had made such a promise because she knew how it felt all too well. But of course, she might forget after claiming that she would.

“Anyway, make sure you come back safe and sound.”

- Okay. Oh, and Ra-Eun.


- When I’m discharged...

Sang-Woon slurred the end of his sentence, and then changed the subject.

- I-It’s nothing. Good night.

“Yeah, you too.”

Ra-Eun unconsciously sighed lightly as soon as she ended the call. The best part about having become a woman was that...

‘I don’t have to go to the army.’

If anything else, she was sure that she would hate her life if she were forced to complete her military service for a second time. Having to spend two whole years in the army was a lot of wasted time. She would have been extremely bitter by the fact that she had to waste two precious years when she needed to elaborately plan her revenge. Hence, her initial complaints of returning to the past as a high school girl had completely disappeared.

‘I’d choose being a university girl over crawling across the individual battlefield ground with a K2 rifle in hand any day.’

The painful memories of her military service sent shivers down her spine.

1. The author is referring to a meme made from a manga panel taken from Slam Dunk where Anzai-sensei tells Mitsui Hisashi in Chapter 69 to never lose hope, and that the game is over if he does. The meme panel changes Anzai-sensei’s speech bubble to make it look like he’s telling Mitsui that it’s easier to just give up. The author might have thought that was the original panel.

2. There is a training base in Nonsan where new recruits go to receive basic training for five weeks before they are deployed to their designated units.

3. Online letters can be sent by civilians to new recruits of a training center. They are received, printed and then delivered to the recruit.

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