World Online

Chapter 141 Advantages Of The New Headquarters

When Jake and Myriad Arrows went through the streets, walking toward the gates where their new headquarters was supposed to lie, they could see it.

Along with the thousands of people who were looking up in the skies, they also saw it.

Even from a distance from the city gates, they could see a giant sign. It was not like a neon sign that felt cheap and attention grabbing.

This was a simple sign that only had two words.

Bright Horizon

And that was enough to make a message. This was not a hype train. This was a guild that was here to stay.

As they kept walking, they could see the building that the sign was placed on. The giant building that would have cost tens of thousands of gold coins, but instead, cost nothing.

It was old fashioned. Like a castle, but not quite. A castle would be taller, larger, and much more majestic. This was more like the duke\'s mansion.

But one thing was certain. It was not an ordinary building.

When Jake and Myriad Arrows got to the building itself, there were a few who were peering in, some who even dared to enter the place and look around the gardens of the building.

None entered the buliding yet, for it was locked. Locked until its owner would come to the place.

Jake frowned as he looked at all of these people who were trespassing all of these people. He needed to take care of them.

"After this is done, I need to go to the adventurer\'s guild." Jake said.

"What for? We have enough stuff to handle as it is. Why would you want to take up a quest?" Myriad Arrows asked, shaking his head.

"You all truly underestimate the power of the adventurer\'s guild. Taking up quests to gain a little experience and a little money is just one of the things you can do there. As a matter of fact, it is one of the more useless features." Jake said, shaking his head.

"The rare class that you wanted to get, that was a good use of the guild. But more importantly, you can hire people there. You can hire guards, you can hire taming masters, and I intend to do both." Jake said.

"You have to hire a taming master?" Myriad Arrows was shocked and kind of surprised.

"Normal taming classes are of the Epic class at the least. How do you expect me to find one?" Jake chuckled.

"I am not omnipotent. I don\'t know where EVERY epic class is." Jake said, rolling his eyes.

Both of them made their way through the crowd, pushing just to enter what was theirs.

Once he was inside the gates that were now open, Jake coldly looked at everyone in the open fields.

"Don\'t you people have better places to be at? We only accept new entries at the store. Go there if you wish to be a part of the guild. And now, whoever stays here is officially trespassing." Jake shouted.

Everyone took one look at him and knew who it was. At this point, no one didn\'t know who Shadow King was.

They quickly left the place. No one wanted to offend the guild master of the fastest growing guild in the world.

Finally having some peace and quiet, Jake took a deep breath as he looked up.

"Ah! How wonderful it looks. Until the end of the year, this should be the most magnificent and exhorbitant headquarters you will ever lay your eyes upon." Jake said.

"This is quite big. If a building like this were in real life, then it would easily be worth over a hundred million dollars. Why the hell did you want to get a building this big?" Myriad Arrows asked.

"Once you designate something officially as guild headquarters, it becomes guild property. The owner of the guild technically still owns the building, but now, the guild has say over what happens to the building." Jake started as he walked over to the main doors of the building.

They were large and majestic, with engravings all over the handles and the borders.

"And a guild headquarters has certain advantages. As you know, our guild is still at level one. And at level one, the guild headquarters has the most basic feature. It can restore fatigue by 5%."

Jake tapped on the door, and it brightly lit up before clicking open.

"Five percent might not seem like a lot, but once you enter, you will understand." Jake said, smiling.

He took the first step into the guild headquarters and took one deep breath. It felt like the oxygen supply in the place was as much as in a casino. It felt refreshing, and he could feel his mind get clearer.

"How they manage to do this is beyond me. It is like they are pumping my brain with drugs." Jake said as he took another deep breath. This place was kind of addicting.

"What is this place? This is like magic! I feel so energized!" Myriad Arrows exclaimed as he stepped in this place.

"You see? And this is benefit number one of having guild headquarters. The second one is buffs. If you spend an hour here, you get a five precent buff on all of your stats for one hour. Staying two hours will not give you two hours worth of buffs though, so that is quite unfortunate." Jake said.

"We can get a buff? And I suppose the buff increases as the guild level increases?" Myriad Arrows asked.

Jake nodded as he looked at the giant hall that greeted him.

When the permit told him that he had a five story building to get for free, and there were no restrictions, he went overboard. Each story was much, much larger than any other normal building\'s floor.

That included the hall that greeted the people that arrived, that went up three normal stories in height.

"There must be another benefit of the guild. What is it?" Myriad Arrows asked.

"That? You can heal faster. Much faster than normal." Jake said.



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