Dungeon Predator

Chapter 562. Conspiracy

Chapter 562. Conspiracy

Translator: Boko

Kang Oh\'s plan to kill the 2nd Corps Commander, Dalton, had gone awry.

Once he reached Iceram, he learned that the 2nd Corps had, after the Empire\'s colossal loss in the Nazrak Plains, divided up their troops amongst the cities/castles that surrounded Saw Rock Fortress. His target was currently located in Saw Rock Fortress.

Apparently, the Eagle Corps was running themselves into the ground reclaiming city after city in the eastern part of the central region.

A large portion of their troops had been sent to the Tiger Corps as reinforcements.

\'Oh well. I guess I\'ll have to take him out later.\'

"Should we join up with the Tiger Corps now?" Sephiro asked.


"I mean, there\'s nothing else for us to do."

"We still have a lot of time left. All we have to do is not be late."

Of course, a date was completely different. If he had a date with Soo Ah, then he\'d arrive 30 minutes early no matter what.

However, this was the Tiger Corps we\'re talking about; he didn\'t really know anyone there, so why would he arrive early?

"The guys who say that are always the ones who show up late." Sephiro pouted.

"I disagree." Kang Oh shrugged his shoulders. \'That doesn\'t apply to me!\'

"Whatever. So what\'s your plan?"

"I\'m going to see Master Valan."

Kang Oh planned on asking him all about Divide the Sea. He would use his remaining time to perform maintenance on his dungeons, hunt, and feed Rudy delicious flames. He never had a problem finding things to do.

"Understood. Then please send me a message later. I\'ll come pick you up."

"Thank you."

Waryong was such a good taxi. And it wasn\'t just any taxi; it was a flying one!

Kang Oh said his farewells, and tore a return scroll.

His surroundings began to change, and he was soon greeted by the sight of Arth\'s largest city, Altein.

Due to the Great Change, a river flowed through a section of the city, and giant hills had appeared, so it was like he\'d come to a whole new area.

There was construction going on, so the city seemed livelier than before.

Apparently, an Architect player was constructing a city on the riverbank that was modeled after Venice. There were also talks that they were planning on constructing an underground palace beneath the hills.

It really was like life; Arth was a world that continuously underwent change.

"Arth is a virtual reality game, but it definitely doesn\'t seem that way."

Kang Oh suddenly recalled what a scholar had said. What would Arth look like in the future?

\'It has to be a world where I can make a good living like I am right now.\'

For that to happen, the Empire had to disappear. Forever!

Kang Oh headed over to the Holiseum.

* * *

There was a cold atmosphere within Chieftain Asuka\'s abode.

"Touch!" Asuka\'s furious voice rang out. However, no one outside could hear his voice, most likely due to soundproofing magic.

"Father, please understand," Touch said.

Asuka, Touch, Wanderer Gejla, and unknown individuals were inside.

The Orc Chieftain was tied up, and Touch looked down on his father, biting his lip.

"Touch, get a grip!" Asuka yelled.

Touch shook his head. "Just rest for a little bit. When everything is over and done with, you\'ll definitely tap my shoulder and say I did a good job."

"Touch! You fool! Their words are poison. They\'ll only bring harm to you. How can you not see that!?"

"You\'re the one who doesn\'t understand. We\'re far greater than humans, so why do we have to remain cooped up in the mountains? Even the trolls are living in the plains! Moreover, we had to split our territory with those barbarians that showed up not too long ago. Father, you\'re nothing more than a cowardly pacifist."

Touch said his piece, and gagged his father with thick leather.


"Yes, Chieftain."

Touch wasn\'t the Orc Chieftain yet, but Gejla called him that to stroke his ego.

"If anything happens to my father..."

"Of course. I won\'t let any harm come to him."

\'How cute. Is the mouse mistaking itself for a cat?\' Gejla snickered inwardly.

"Give him the utmost respect." Gejla ordered his mask-wearing subordinates.

His subordinates silently grabbed Asuka\'s arms, and dragged him into the shadows.

Gejla pulled out a small dagger from his breast pocket.

"This will hurt a little bit."


Gejla stabbed Touch\'s forearm with the dagger.

Touch snorted air out of his nostrils and fell to the floor. Black energy spread across his body like spider webs.

"Please perform your role well. Then, if you\'ll excuse me."

Gejla disappeared into the shadows. At the same time, the soundproofing magic surrounding Asuka\'s home disappeared.

A short while later...

"Ugh!" Touch yelled. "S-Someone... help me!"

The guards around the chieftain\'s house quickly rushed in.

"Mr. Touch!"

"W-What happened?"

"What happened to the chieftain?"

"P-Pull out... the dagger," Touch arduously opened his mouth and said weakly.

One of the warriors pulled out the dagger, and the spreading black energy disappeared.

"Are you alright?"

"Where is the chieftain?"

"You!" Touch pointed at one of them.

"Yes, sir!"

"Father, no, the Great Chieftain was kidnapped. Gather your men and find him! They couldn\'t have gotten very far."


"Hurry!" Touch yelled, and the warrior immediately left.

"You!" Touch pointed at the other warrior.

"Yes, sir!"

"Bring Mr. Mumugul and the elders here. I need to discuss what just happened."


"You bring a shaman here. My wound\'s pretty deep." Touch pointed at the hole in his forearm.

"Yes, sir."

Sometime later...

Asuka\'s right arm, Mumugul, as well as the orcs\' higher ups gathered together.

"What happened?"

"I was speaking with my father when we were attacked."

"What about them?"

"They covered their faces, so I don\'t know who they are. But they looked and smelled like \'humans\'." Touch flared his nostrils and emphasized the word \'human\'.

"Humans? Who would do something like this?"

"I\'m not sure. Father ordered me to find them, but..." Touch glanced at Mumugul and the elders. Would they act as Gejla had predicted?

One of the elders known as the \'Tribe\'s Ear\', as he dealt with outside information, placed his hand on Mumugul\'s shoulder.

"There\'s a strange rumor going around Kuwang."

"What kind of rumor?" Mumugul asked.

"There\'s a huge war between humans. The Empire versus the Alliance."

"I\'m aware of that."

"There\'s a rumor circulating that the western tribes have joined forces with the Empire. They also say that we\'re the first ones who joined forces. They believe that we\'re ready for war, and that we intend to conquer the entire central region after we\'re finished with Kuwang."

"How could such an absurd rumor like that spread!?"

"Yes, it\'s absurd. But... the fact that the chieftain was kidnapped at this moment... And it was by humans no less."

"Mm." Mumugul furrowed his brow and considered what he said. "Did the humans kidnap the chieftain to ensure we wouldn\'t do anything?"

"There\'s a chance that they did."

"Our first priority is finding the chieftain. I want everyone to help out with this task!" Mumugul yelled.

"Yes, sir!"

"I\'ll help too." Touch wrapped his injured arm and stood up.

"No. You\'re injured, so you need to recover. A shaman will come to take care of you soon."


"If something happened to the chieftain, then you will be the one who takes his place. So please understand."

"Understood." Touch feigned ignorance and \'helplessly\' agreed.

"Then, if you\'ll excuse me."

Once Mumugul and the elders left, Touch\'s eyebrows glistened.

"As expected of Gejla. Everything went exactly as he said."

If he used Gejla\'s intelligence, then conquering the world would be a piece of cake.

"Father... Our great ancestors have chosen me. Me, not you!"

Gejla was like an emissary sent by his ancestors. With his help, everything went as he wanted!

Touch clenched his fist.

The flames of ambition blazed within both his eyes and his heart.

* * *

Sometime after his kidnapping, Chieftain Asuka\'s body was found.

His body showed traces of fierce resistance.

Based on this evidence, they assumed that Asuka had made an escape attempt, failed, and had been forced to fight his capturers.

"F-Father!" Touch stared at his father\'s corpse and wailed. However, he was completely shocked.

\'It really looks like the real thing!\'

The corpse was a fake.

According to Gejla, there were apparently people called Monster Scholars that were able to create a corpse that was almost identical to the original.

Asuka should be safe and sound.

When he finished conquering the humans, all the orcs and his father would praise him.

Ah, Touch, you fool.

Asuka\'s corpse was real. Gejla had lied to him.

Touch, blinded by his greed and ambition, hadn\'t been able to see through his lies and did exactly as he was told.

"Why did he have to die!? Why!?" Touch said furiously.

"The chieftain\'s body was found on the road to Kuwang," the Tribe\'s Ear said carefully.

"Kuwang! Gather our troops immediately. Kuwang will burn before the day\'s done," Touch yelled brutally.

"W-Wait! Mr. Touch. We haven\'t gotten any concrete information yet..." Mumugul urgently tried to stop him.

However, Touch interrupted him. "I don\'t want to hear it! It\'s clear that this is the work of humans, so what\'s there to look into!? Who else would benefit from my father\'s death!? The elves or the trolls? Why would they kill my father!? The other western tribes? None of them besides the aforementioned two tribes have the strength to kidnap my father. So that only leaves the humans! I can\'t wait; I have to avenge my father immediately. Anyone who gets in my way is my enemy. And I\'ll kill all of my enemies with my axe. Mumugul, which side are you on!? My side, or the humans\' side!?" Touch stared at Mumugul with bloodshot eyes.


Mumugul decided to back down for now. He planned on looking into this matter by himself. There were way too many things that jumped out at him as suspicious.

\'I\'ll need to ask them for their help.\'

He was referring to the Tuslam, the ancient race that became their neighbors on the Ruman Mountains! Unlike him, they would be able to find out what had actually happened without anyone questioning their motives or getting in their way.

"Aside from the elderly, women and children, I want everyone who can bear arms to follow me. We\'re heading for Kuwang!"

100,000 Ruman Orc Warriors headed for Kuwang.

"Don\'t let anyone survive! This is revenge for the chieftain!" Touch yelled murderously, and led the warriors at the vanguard.


"Vengeance for our chieftain!"

Their departure made the trees shake, causing all of the birds to fly into the air en masse.

There was one orc who witnessed this: Gejla.

There was a wicked smile on his face. \'Everything\'s going as planned.\'


"Mr. Gejla," the Tribe\'s Ear said stiffly. "I did as you asked, so please don\'t forget what you promised us. The Talanga Orcs\' freedom."

The Talanga Tribe was one of many orc tribes that had been absorbed by the Ruman Orcs.

"Of course. As long as the orcs survive till the very end." Gejla smiled coldly.

Would they survive when they were so foolishly entering a war of their own volition?

Gejla looked at them as if they were moths to a flame. They were nothing more than foolish insects.

"Excuse me? What are you talking about..."

"Take care of him."

Assassins popped out of the shadows, and decapitated the orc.

"What should we do with the body?"

"Dispose of it. Be discreet; make sure no one finds out."

"Yes, sir."

The assassins dragged the orc\'s body into the shadows.

"Hoo, this is suffocating."

Gejla\'s form suddenly changed.

His green skin turned white, and the protruding tusks disappeared. His undersized body (for an orc) diminished in size, but it wasn\'t that small for a normal human being.

Smooth, curly hair rose from his head, which he swept back. He had sharp, slanted eyes, and his true identity was none other than the Empire Guild\'s mastermind, Jegal.

Magic Metamorphosis!

This was a Mage secret move that allowed the user to transform into something else. Of course, it wasn\'t capable of transforming the mage into a dragon. It only allowed the caster to transform themselves into something on the same level as them or below.

Jegal definitely wasn\'t your typical mage. He focused more on detection or transformation spells than offensive ones.

"Hahaha, stupid orcs."

Jegal wrote characters in the air.

- Gejla.

Reversing the first three letters would get you Jegal.

It was a very simple anagram.

He jokingly said, \'Be careful of Jegal\' as he was acting as Wanderer Gejla. However, none of the orcs recognized a human named Jegal.


What if the Alliance was suddenly attacked from the west? They would be sandwiched and have to fight on two fronts.

\'This will be worth watching.\'

The war wasn\'t over yet. No, the war would never end until the day that the empire that he and Dukeram built came out victorious.

Thus, the entire continent would fall to the Empire!


Jegal couldn\'t stop himself from laughing.

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